Thursday, June 18, 2015

Open Education Resources Activity - a grammar lesson using OER

1. Select a topic to use to develop using OER content.

I will be using lesson resources for my OER lesson. Specifically, I will use grammar lessons and rules on the Purdue OWL website and HippoCampus.

2. In planning your unit you need to keep four questions in mind.
  1. What are you trying to achieve with this teaching unit - what are your aims?
My goals are to help my students re-learn and practice grammar rules they will need for the ACT test without using excessive class time or wasting my students' time.
  1. What activities do you wish the learners to engage with in order to demonstrate or achieve those aims - what are the learning objectives or outcomes and how are they to be assessed?
I want my students to use sections of the OER based on their ACT conventions pre-test. The activities they complete should be dependent on where they need the most help! This is much more about achieving aims rather than demonstrating skills, though their will be a pre and post test.
  1. How will you evaluate the effectiveness of what you have produced?
The post test - and my students' ACT scores will give me an idea of whether or not my goals were achieved.
  1. In the light of the evaluation, after having run the lesson the first time, how will you change 1 and 2 above?
Depending on how my students' show gains or a leveling off, I'll adjust how much of this lesson needs to be documented by taking place in class of by passing moodle quizzes.

3. Using OER content, develop and post a lesson that includes material from at least two different sources for one of your classes using a Moodle or Google site.

This is an adaptation of my ACT prep lessons from this past school year. For the first time, I utilized a grammar skill specific pre-test to help students identify the areas they really needed to focus on in their ACT prep and review. I did not, however, give them a better way to focus on learning the skills they were deficient in. The additions in the flipped classroom/OER lesson below aim to give students this better way.


1. Students will take a full 75 question ACT Conventions section test. We will go over the answers, which I have coded to specific grammar skills. After this, students should have a good idea of what they need to learn, re-learn, or practice.

2. Students will visit two OER websites to read and watch the available information on the skills they need to focus on. The links are below and are provided on my website.

For Students:
First, go to the Purdue OWL site and use the navigation links on the left of the screen to read about the areas your pre-test showed you needed practice.

Second, go to HippoCampus to watch the video lessons on the skills your pre-test showed you need to practice.    

Third, complete the practice packet that I gave you. Especially focus on the areas your test showed you needed to practice!

3. After students have completed the above, I will administer a post-test to check the effectiveness of my lesson.

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