Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lesson 5 Reflection

I have used collaborative projects in my classes, most frequently in ALCUSH. Albert Chan and I have students create powerpoint presentations to cover historical topics we don't have enough time to focus on. For example, each group will gather information about American culture in the 20's (sports, fashion, etc.), and each group will present to their classmates. This does allow us to cover a lot quickly, though it is not always covered well. It also gives students a level of power over our class curriculum, which is nice. The collaborative google products that have come into the educational scene have made these kinds of collaborative assignments possible. They did not exist when I started teaching, and these types of assignments would have been extremely difficult to assign. Collaboration no longer has to mean a substantial amount of class time is lost.  


  1. Jim, I agree that these new technology tools have changed the way that I teach and the ability for my students to colloborate in new ways. Colloborative assignments are much easier for teachers to assign today and for students to complete than they used to be because of new technologies like google presentations and google docs.

  2. Jim, I agree that the collaborative google products have made group projects much more possible and very easy to do. They have changed collaboration and made it much more convenient!

  3. Jim I agree that these tools help the students work together, It makes group projects easier to manage for me as a teacher, they hand in an electronically and share with classmates.
